Organic Farming

Woodland & Hedgerow

Self-sufficient Organic Farming enhances Sustainability
Our cows have a 100% organic diet, but not only that, unless there is an emergency, all of our cows feed is grown on our farm. Zero feed miles !
Closed Herd – Our livestock are born and reared on our farm, this maintains bio security avoiding introducing diseases to the herd which helps us maintain a healthy heard well adapted to the environment on our farm, only in an emergency will we buy in animals from another Organic farm
Home grown feed – Our animals have Oats & Peas, Silage & Haylage, produced on our farm. We don’t rely on imported feed ( If bad weather cause the harvest to fail rarely we have to buy in some feed from other UK Organic farmers).
Global Warming & Organic farming
Our system of farming contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture and protects natural resources.
Unlike highly intensive high input farming our farming system depends on retaining high levels of organic matter in the soil, to keep it healthy and productive. This is a major store of carbon that would otherwise rise up and trap heat in the atmosphere and contribute to global warming.
As we Increase organic matter in the soils it becomes more productive, and helps reduce greenhouse gasses.